You are here: 1. Distribution System > 1.4. SALES Menu: Sales Order Processing > 1.4.2. Sales - Sales Desk Inquiries > Sales Desk Inquiries - Inventory > Item Inquiry - Inquiry > Inquiry - Item Budgets
Inquiry - Item Budgets

This inquiry displays a listing of sales budgets and actual sales for an item.

  1. Open the Item Inquiry screen for the item you want to inquire on.

Refer to "Displaying the Item Inquiry Screen" (MDS and MRF) or "Displaying the Item Inquiry Screen" (POS).


Micronet displays the Enter Budget Information screen.

  1. Either double click on a warehouse, or select a warehouse and press Enter, to view budgets for that warehouse.

Micronet displays the Inventory Budget screen.

This screen displays the following details:





Item Number

The item number.



The item description.



The location or warehouse that this budget entry relates to.


Qty Budget

Each month’s budget sales quantity.


Sales Budget

Each month’s budget sales value.


Profit Budget

Each month’s anticipated profit margin percentage.



The totals of each budget type.

  1. When you have finished, select Ok to exit the Inventory Budget screen.

Micronet redisplays the Enter Budget Information screen where you can inquire on another warehouse if required.

  1. When you have finished with the Enter Budget Information screen, select the Ok button.

Micronet redisplays the Item Inquiry screen where you can perform another inquiry if required.

  1. Select FILE | NEW to inquire on a different item.